Hahei Tennis and Sports Club

Tiger Turf Tennis Courts - Volley Ball - Softball - Full Size Sports field


Tennis Courts: casual hire or membership, bookings required from Cathedral Cove Dive and Snorkel
Kotare Domain, Pa Road: Full size playing field, soft ball, volley ball, rugby, touch-rugby, soccer, cricket, changing room and toilet facility.

Bookings and Memberships can be made at Cathedral Cove Dive

  • Family Membership is $100 per year (includes a key - Membership is from the 1st of October to 30 Sept)
  • Casual bookings can be made at $15 per hour per court at the dive shop.
  • Please be sure to close the gates after using the courts as it encourages everyone to pay for the use of the courts and therefore contribute to their upkeep!


    Casual bookings can be made at $15 per hour per court at the dive shop.

    CONTACT: Cathedal Cove Dive

    During working hours only
    07 8663955
    52 Hahei Beach Road, Hahei